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Sep 26

Online BeeGrid Connection Ritual – in English

septembre 26, 2024 
19-20h WET

During this session, our team will accompany the connection of new Focal Points to the BeeGrid.

A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the planetary morphic field of the bees.

You can participate in this ritual as a Connector, Witness or Repeater.

Please read event details here.

The ritual will only take place if there is a minimum of 2 connectors registered (2 participants wishing to connect their Focal Points).

En Ligne

Vous recevrez un lien 1 semaine avant l’événement.

Register below

More information:
[email protected]

You can participate in this Ritual as


If you have completed the creation of your Focal Point and you wish to connect it to the BeeGrid during the Online Ritual.


If you are interested in creating a Focal Point in the future, or if you are curious and you wish to add your energetic contribution to the field.


If you are interested in creating a Focal Point in the future, or if you are curious and you wish to add your energetic contribution to the field.