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Ecology & Bee Care

Ecology & Bee Care

Bees have intimate relationships with landscapes, cycles and flows in nature. This is the foundation for our ways of being with and supporting bees.

Ecology & Bee Care

By spending time close to the bee colonies and following their physical and energetic relationships with their surroundings over time with all our senses, more of the subtleties and interconnections are revealing themselves to us. Taking care of bees then transforms into co-creation, in which we as humans are guided by the principles of nature, interacting and learning with the bees and the landscape.

Creating a Bee Friendly Environment

Bees are master alchemists. They masterfully refine their honey, pollen and propolis with essential oils, micro-organisms, minerals and other substances that they harvest from plants, soil, and water. With every drop of nourishment, they also take care of their hive’s health, protection and coherence.

Their health and wellbeing is intimately connected with the biodiversity and vitality of the landscape. We participate in the regeneration of our local ecosystems through practices such as selective clearing, water retention, and planting and sowing of bee-friendly trees and shrubs.

Biodiverse ecosystems have greater capacity to be in dynamic balance, providing natural conditions for bees to live together with creatures that can be threatening for the health or survival of the colony (wasps, hornets, varroa…) when imbalanced.

Creating a Bee Friendly Environment

Learning from Free Living Bees

We look for free living bees where we live, and engage in long term observation of where and how bees take care of themselves in natural cavities and other nesting spaces they choose. We collaborate with others engaged in similar work in Portugal and abroad.

If you are aware of honeybee colonies living in non-manufactured hives (hollow trees, wall cavities…) in Portugal and would like to participate in our study, connect with us by email.


Learning from Free Living Bees

Creating Bee Homes that Support Bees to Take Care of Themselves

We build bee homes based on what we learn about bee health, with materials that create comfort for bees and beauty in the landscape.

Bee colonies have different personalities: some like to be in close contact with humans and some prefer distance. We are offering different types of hives that correspond to these affinities and to our own wishes for bee connection.

Our “companion hives” allow for close contact, with possibilities to observe the interior, listen to the mesmerising sounds of the colony and spend time close to the bees.

Our “rewilding hives” are used in regeneration projects, to offer nesting spaces for bees and other creatures who choose to live there.

Creating Bee Homes that Support Bees to Take Care of Themselves

Low Interference Bee Care

By creating conditions for bees to flourish, we minimise the need for intervention and hive opening. This supports the autonomy of the bees and helps us to develop respectful attitudes and practices that foster long term resilience and thrive.

The heart of the hive is a womb, where the baby bees are raised. Bees take care to maintain a steady temperature in the brood nest, that is close to the one of the human body. The integrity of the hive space is protected with propolis. Apart from being their collective immune system, propolis acts as a filter of electromagnetic, telluric, and cosmic radiation. Each time a hive is opened, the bees have work to restore temperature and repair the propolis seal.

Low Interference Bee Care

Long Term Health for Bees and Beyond

Our hives are spread in the landscape. Honey bees and other precious insects depending on the same food sources can thus live together. More space between hives also facilitates the energetic work of the bees and reduces the spread of illnesses.

With the current imbalances in our ecosystems, we are exploring the power and potential of vibrational medicine that can be applied without opening the hive and supports the self regulating capacities of the bees and the wider web of life.

Our BeeGrid project aims to support bee health worldwide, thanks to morphic resonance.

Long Term Health for Bees and Beyond

Cosmometry and Geobiology

Bees are workers of the invisible, connected to the frequencies of the earth, the moon and the planets. We place our hives in accordance with energy lines.

Solar, lunar and planetary cycles have a significant effect on the bees’ mood. Depending on the moon’s position in the sky, the influences of the different elements (earth, water, fire, air), are more or less reinforced. We try to pay attention to cosmic configurations when working with a beehive.

Cosmometry and Geobiology