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Shamanic Practices

Shamanic Practices

Shamanic Practices

Bees carry a shamanic archetype in the animal realm. They bridge the inner and outer worlds, life and death, visible and invisible…

Shamanic journeys

Throughout our history, numerous traditions consider the bee a messenger of the Gods, recognising her characteristics as a mediator and carrier of information between worlds.

The Bee Deva is a soul group, a collective consciousness. Her knowledge of the architecture of the physical and subtle worlds is extraordinary. Healer, muse and teacher together, she offers herself as a guide and mediator, humble and devoted.

Shamanic journeys (accompanied with voice humming, a drum or other instruments) invite us to merge with the hive and her wisdom, bringing new understandings of the functioning of the universe and insights regarding our life questions.

Shamanic journeys

Bee Venom and Alterate States of Consciousness

Bee Venom is a light entheogen that can induce alterations in perception and cognition. We are organising regular bee venom ceremonies within our BeeWisdom group.

Here is what the Bee Deva says about Venom:

Venom pierces the veils and frees up your sensorial channels. It sharpens and enlarges the spectrum of perception, so your receptivity, contemplation, and learning are facilitated.

When Venom penetrates your epidermis, it acts simultaneously on the physical, psychic, and spiritual bodies. By entering your body, the Venom Deva lightens your form, which, in turn, invites your Being to rise up and travel between the worlds.

More on this fascinating topic in  Sandira’s book.

Bee Venom and Alterate States of Consciousness

Channeling and Communicating with the Bee Deva

Channeling is the process of receiving and transmitting information, ideas, or messages from sources beyond the ordinary consciousness.

We believe that absolutely everyone is able to channel. The art of channeling is not exclusive to a few gifted ones, and like any art, it can be learnt and improved by practice and perseverance.

The Bee Deva is a collective intelligence with whom it is possible to communicate, using different ways of channeling. Some will have more ease to channel the Bee Deva when sitting near a beehive, while others will prefer to communicate from the calm space of an altar.



Channeling and Communicating with the Bee Deva