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Connecting the Bees

The BeeGrid is a worldwide network of honeybee colonies that are energetically interconnected.

All bee colonies on Earth are connected through their collective intelligence, or coherent field of consciousness, which we call the Bee Deva.

The BeeGrid project aims to strengthen the connection between bee colonies that are cared for by bee lovers who agree on simple principles:

  • Like all life on Earth, bees are sacred and deserve respect
  • Bees are essential members of the worldwide community
  • Healing our relationship with the bees is key to global healing

You Care for Bees with Love?


Step 1

Get to know the BeeGrid and create your Focal Point.

Step 2

Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter to be informed of the next online Connection Rituals or check our Events page.

Step 3

Register and participate in an online Connection Ritual to link your Focal Point to a Connection Hub and join the BeeGrid (event on donation).

Focal Points & Connection Hubs

To join the BeeGrid, you will need to create a Focal Point.

A Focal Point is an energy portal where information can be received and transferred. It can be placed near a natural object like a stone or a tree. All the bee colonies that you care for will be energetically connected to your Focal Point.

Connection Hubs are large energy portals to which Focal Points are linked. As this project is in its early stage of development, there is only one Connection Hub for now, located in the BeeGarden of Tamera, the peace research village in the South of Portugal. More Connection Hubs will be created in the coming years.

Focal Points & Connection Hubs