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The Bees

Messengers of Love, Caretakers of the Earth

The honeybee is an essential member of the large planetary community. She holds several functions which are vital for the well-being of the planet and of humanity.

Once in touch with the wonders of the alchemic presence of the bees, a whole world of new possibilities opens. Let yourself be touched and take time to get to know them in their full potential. While supporting them in maintaining their vital functions, you will notice how their magic supports you to unfold your gifts and weave strands of love and beauty in the tapestry of life.

Go to your fields and your gardens,
And you shall learn
That it is the pleasure of the bee
To gather nectar of the flower, but it is also the pleasure of the flower
To yield its nectar to the bee.

For to the bee,
A flower is a fountain of life, and to the flower,
A bee is a messenger of love, and to both, bee and flower,
The giving and the receiving of pleasure
Is a need, and an ecstasy.

Khalil Gibran, in The prophet, 1923

Poem Kahlil Gibran

Messengers of Love

When the bee visits a flower, the flower sprinkles pollen on her hairy back and legs, which she will then transport and deliver to the next flowers. In exchange for her service, she is offered sweet and juicy nectar, full of life energy that will be transformed into honey inside the hive.

Plants cannot walk, and therefore they need friends to connect their genital organs and support their reproduction. To attract those friends, the plants have developed the most beautiful colours, scents and shapes throughout their evolution. It is fascinating to observe how much energy is spent on this courtship display that assures their survival. This synergetic alliance has been a great stimulus for creating beauty in this world… for the sake of love!

Messengers of Love

Master Pollinators

Among all pollinators, the honeybee is a master pollinator, very appreciated by the plant realm. Why? She actually combines two very complementary qualities: faithfulness and openness. Indeed, when the bee starts to forage a certain species of plant, she stays faithful to this plant until the whole patch of the area has been visited. This is a precious quality for the plant, which wants her pollen to be brought to a partner of the same species. At the same time, the honeybee can pollinate a particularly wide range of different species, with foraging tools adaptable to many different shapes and sizes of flowers.

Master Pollinators

Caretakers of the Earth

Beyond the function of pollination, the bee holds a task that is even bigger: she is the caretaker for the etheric networks of the Earth. These networks, well known in geobiology, are like layers of fabric around and inside the planet. They literally hold the Earth together and protect it from all kinds of influences. This net also functions as a communication grid for enormous amounts of information.

While gathering nectar from flower to flower, bees stimulate the flows of energy that circulate through the grids. Through each kiss on each flower, they feed the energetic body of the Earth, supporting its life force.

Caretakers of the Earth


When bees forage and wander over the landscape, they collect more than just physical substances. They collect the wisdom of the plant kingdom and mineral realm and add their own magic.

The creation and refinement of honey, pollen bread and propolis is a wonder of reciprocity. Bees feed on the wisdom of the landscape and, in return, offer their songs and vibrations, which revitalise the Earth.

The Bee Deva tells us: “Bees are alchemists. They know the secrets of sublimating gross matter into subtle matter, turning lead into gold.”
