Support Us
A Call to Bee Lovers

Our volunteer work is supported by financial contributions from people and organisations that are aligned to our principles. All donations are used to finance the projects below and this website.
To continue spreading our work, that has for more than a decade been dedicated to co-creating a better world for bees and humans, please help by giving what you can, every little bit helps!
Rewilding Honeybees
Honeybees appeared on the earth more than 100 million years ago. Long before humans put them in boxes, they often lived in hollow trees.
Through what we learn from bees living in trees and the creation of nest locations in trees, the BeeWisdom network is participating in the collaborative setup of a study collecting data on free living honeybees in Portugal. Our team is gathering essential information on the habitats, vitality, health and behaviours of bees living in the wild (using the app EpiCollect).
With your donations, we can visit the colonies for observation more frequently, expand the team of contributors, and finance data analysis.
We are collaborating with Honey Bee Watch, an online platform and gathering place for honeybee rewilding initiatives worldwide.

Swarm Support and Bee-Friendly Hive Creation
Our work supports the deepening of relationships between bees and humans. We aim to bring the awe and wonder of the bee world to people’s hearts and lands.
Every spring we are “on-call” for people who discover bee swarms in their houses or on their land. We support them to give the bees a comfortable home or help relocate them. It is touching to see how people can move from fear to love through seeing how peaceful the connection between bees and humans can be.
We are creating bee-friendly hives, easy on the eyes and the landscape. These hives are not aimed at collecting honey, they focus on giving the honeybees the best homes possible, promoting strength and self-sufficiency.

We receive many questions, emails and messages from bee-curious people from all over the world. We are dedicated to answering as best as we can and creating free online educational resources.
Bees are fantastic teachers. Our offerings are an invitation to open hearts and senses to the world of the bees, to reconnect with the great universal hive of which we are all part of.

Your donations will help us to continue our research, communication and creation of resources with joy and commitment.