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Venom Medicine

Venom Medicine

Venom Medicine

What is striking to observe when one explores the medicine of venom is its dual character; it is both anti-inflammatory and inflammatory.

In one of our conversations with the Bee Deva, she told us:

“Venom possesses the dual personality of the element of Fire, it can be as scorching hot and vivid as a flaming arrow and as reassuring and soft as a hearth fire.”


The composition of venom is complex and scientific understanding into it is still in its infancy . Among the 60 elements listed in its make-up, it contains enzymes which break down the membranes of any cells touched, histamines which provoke inflammation and itching (less than 1% of the weight of dry venom), and melittin, a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antiviral peptide (more than 50% of the weight of dry venom).


Healing Properties

Venom is renowned for activating the immune system, stimulating the heart and the circulation of energy, and for calming the nervous system. It is used to relieve arthritis, paralysis, and chronic back pain. Spectacular effects have been particularly observed when working with people suffering from multiple sclerosis and Lyme disease.

In her book, Sandira describes how bee venom supported her, in her healing and recovery journey from an extreme case of fibromyalgia.

Warning – this method of healing should not be used indiscriminately, and advice or supervision by a trained professional is strongly recommended. Various long-term protocols adapted for severe health conditions are presented in the books of Amber Rose. Nevertheless, it is good to know that bee venom is not as terrifying as it may seem; the lethal dose estimated for a non-allergic 70 kg person is about 200 mg of venom. That is, 1400 stings at once.

Healing Properties

Venom Ceremonies

Bee Venom is a light entheogen that can induce alterations in perception and cognition. We are organising regular bee venom ceremonies within our BeeWisdom group.

Here is what the Bee Deva says about Venom: “Venom pierces the veils and frees up your sensory channels. It sharpens and enlarges the spectrum of perception, so that your receptivity, contemplation, and learning are facilitated.

When Venom penetrates your epidermis, it acts simultaneously on the physical, psychic, and spiritual bodies. Venom lightens your form, which, in turn, invites your Being to rise up and travel between the worlds.”

More on this fascinating topic in Sandira’s book.

Venom Ceremonies

Keeping the Stinger

The stinger of the bee is designed to give. It is endowed with unidirectional hooks which grip the surface it has pierced and prevent it from coming back out. When she stings, most of the time the bee gives her life; all her vital force is transferred to the recipient’s body. The two harpoons of the stinger slide in a back-and-forth movement, penetrating more and more deeply into the flesh. When the bee withdraws, some muscular and intestinal tissue becomes detached with the stinger. It thus continues its progression, slowly diffusing its venom in the different layers of the epidermis.

Nevertheless, in our research group, we have discovered several techniques, for the bees to keep their stinger during a voluntary sting. In this video, you will find one of them.

Keeping the Stinger