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Book | Nine Lectures on Bees

Rudolf Steiner

Book | Nine Lectures on Bees

Given in 1923 to the workmen at the Goetheanum (Dornach, Switzerland)
Original title: Mensch und Welt. Das Wirken des Geistes in der Natur. Über das Wesen der Bienen. Vorträge für die Arbeiter am Goetheanumbau. Band 5, Translated by Marna Pease and Carl Alexander Mier.

Some may find it dated, but this book includes beautiful pearls that are still very relevant today.

“The unconscious wisdom contained in the beehive — the hive is in reality permeated by love — and how this relates to the human experiences of health, civilization, and the cosmos.”

The whole booklet is also available in PDF here.

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Book | Nine Lectures on Bees
BeeWisdom | Network of Bee Lovers