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Earth Healing

Earth Healing

Earth Healing

Actions and behaviours which are not in harmony with natural laws cause wounds within the energetic cloak of the Earth. There are many ways to support Earth’s healing, and the bees are definitely one of our allies in this journey.

Enlivening the Ethers

When a bee strokes a flower and absorbs its sweet beverage, the blossom also sprinkles her with pollen dust. Our ambassador of love transports this to the next flower. With neither wings nor feet with which to move, flowers need a mediator to accomplish their love-making.

The Bee Deva has a beautiful way to describe the magic of pollination:

“Gaia’s vibratory structure is composed of a unified complex of energetic networks. These interlaced webs structure and maintain the Earth in a coherent unity. By flying from flower to flower, the bees stimulate the energetic flow which circulates through the network.

Physical sciences explain electric current as generated by a difference of potential. In the same way, in order for the terrestrial erotic current to circulate, there must be a difference of potential. During our flights from flower to flower, we stimulate the terrestrial Eros by transporting the electrical charges contained in pollen (+) and nectar (-). This activation of masculine and feminine principles is an energetic pollination; its effects are profoundly revitalizing.”

Enlivening the Ethers

Energy Work

It is not necessary to be a clairvoyant or to meditate in a cave for 5 years to become aware of energy fields. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming sensitive to energy fields and their importance.

When people come together (either physically or online) with a collective intention, it can have a healing impact on a global scale. Many scientific experiments have been done to confirm this theory.

It is possible to create energetic portals that will support the healing of Earth’s field. The BeeGrid project offers a vessel for this collective experiment. If you care for bee colonies or you are planning to do so, you may be interested in joining this beautiful adventure.

Energy Work

Changing the Mindset

Bees love humans. Not our whims, nor our arrogance, but our Essence.

In alternative or enviro circles, there is a tendency to speak of the human being with a certain bitter considering-all-the-harm-done-to-the-planet attitude, along with shouldering a goodly amount of guilt and sighing with chagrin. The Bee Deva smiles at these scenes. Indeed, while it is certainly important to realise the degree of immaturity of some human behaviours and their consequences for the health of Gaia, she invites us to orient our attention towards the regenerative spirals of the earth system.

Energy follows thought, she tells us, and when you focus on the pain body generated by Humanity, you feed it with your attention. Your identification with the pain body gives it even more strength and energy than it already has.

Today, we are bidden to revolutionise our perspective and to screw a wide-angle lens on our inner camera. A great call for planetary cooperation is ringing all over the world. The transition from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius is characterised by the passage from individualism to cooperation and interdependence. The ‘I’ becomes ‘we’, while valuing the unique qualities of each individual.

Changing the Mindset
BeeWisdom | Network of Bee Lovers